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Argentina Holidays


The secret is out: with its gorgeous landscapes, cosmopolitan cities, lively culture and amazingly affordable economy, Argentina is a traveler's paradise. it stretches almost 3500 km from Bolivia to the trip of South America, encompassing a wide array of geography and climates, South America's highest peak, walk among thousands of penguins, and lie on trendy beaches. Patagonia's glacier-carved landscapes and painted Andean deserts, City slickers will adore fabulous Buenos Aires, full of opportunities to learn spanish, watch futbol (soccer) games, dance the sexy tango and interact with dynamic porteños ( people from Buenos Aires). You'll be out  shopping at nighclubs all nightlong.
Argentina is safe, friendly and wonderfully affordable. And the time to come is now,so get your spirit in gear and prepare to have an unforgettable adventure¡

From the spectacular natural wildermess of Iguazú falls in the northtothe sophistication of Rosarioin the south, the northeast isone of Argentina's most diverse regions.
wedged between the Panamá  and Uruguay Riveres (thus earing it  the nickname Mesopotamia)the region relies heavily on those rivers for fun and its livelihood, whilenext door,the Chaco is sparsely populated, and often called Argentina's empty quarter.


Before the Spanish hit the scence, nomadic hunter-gatherers roamed the wilds of ancient Argentina. theYánama (or Yahgan)gathered shellfish in Patagonia, while on the pampas the Querandí used boleadoreas (weights on cords) to snag rhea(ostrichlike birds) and guanaco(the llama's cousin). Up in the arid northeast, the Guaraní settled down long enough to cultivate maize,while in the arid northwest the Diaguita developed an irrigation system for crops.
In 1536 the Querandí were unfortunate enough to meet pushy Spaniards search of silver. Like most reasonable people they refused to be treated like doormats,andeventually drove the explorers away to more welcoming Paraguay. (left behind were cattle ansd horses. which multiplied and gave rise to  legendary gaucho- cowboy). The Spanish werepresistent, howevwr, and in 1580 they returned and managed to establish  Buenos Aires, though trade restrictions from Spain limited the new settlement's growth. The northern colonies of Tucumán, Cordiba and Salta, however, thrived by providing  mules, cloth and foodsttuffs for the booming silver mines of Bolivia.


The famous Pampas is mostly sprawling grasslands and home to many birds of prey and introduced plant species, most of the regon's remaining native vegetation survives up north along the Rio  Paraná. Also in the northern swamplands live the odd-looking capybara (the world's largest rodent).
Themain forestedareas of Argentina arein subtropical Misiones province and on the eastward-sloping Andes from Neuquén province south,where southern beech species and coniferous woodlands predominate;look for the strange monkey-puzzletree.Aroundthe lake District, in the higher altitudes of the Andes nad in much of Patagonia,pasture grasses are sparse Northern Andean saline lakes harbor pink, flamingos, and on the Patagonias steppe you're likely to see guanacos, rheas, Patagonian hares, armadillos, crested caracaras and gray foxes, pumas and condors live in southern Andean foothills, but sightings are rare.
Coastal patagonia, especially around Peninsula Valdés, supports dense and view cluding southern right whales, sea lions southern elephant seals,orcas and Magellanic penguins.


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